These buildings are our homes.

Empowering tenants across New York City with the resources to take action, build coalitions, and stay in their homes.

Who are we?

We are the Greenbrook Tenants Coalition: a community of tenants from over 240 buildings in New York City, all of which were bought by the private equity firm known as Greenbrook.

Together we are combating predatory housing practices by informing tenants of their rights, organizing rallies & canvasses, filing lawsuits, sharing our stories with media outlets, and engaging with our local representatives to pass the Good Cause Eviction Bill.

We are staying in our homes, and will help you do the same.

‘Rally to Remain,’ April 2022.
(Photo by Scott Heins)

Know Your Rights

Your landlord will count on you to be unaware of your rights.

Begin protecting yourself today by learning your rights as a New York tenant, who your local representatives are, and how you can help pass important legislation that empowers renters.


Voice your support today by signing our petition!